Saturday, June 6, 2009

How does it feel?


- I slashed my thumb with the razor at work in the morning trying to open pennies. Blood gushed out pretty hardcore, and I ran to the bathroom to wash out my finger. Whatta klutz!

- Me and bebers watched the hangover last night :) It was really funny. It had similar Pineapple Express humor :) I want the dvd when it comes out. The movie was 1 hour and a half I think? We then went to pomona to pick up some yoshi for dinner. I got the usual kids meal && clam chowder :) and babe got the large beef bowl. Their peach tea is disgusting! Sorry. It just tasted like I was drinking some cheap melted candy? I don't really know how to describe what it tasted like, but it wasn't all that great. We then went straight to Ryan's house. Babe wanted Ryan to fix his Xbox. Playing gears of war, Jellybean and Alex came home. We ran into them at the movie theaters too. They went to go watch UP :) aww I LOVE that movie. I want to go see it again, but this time in 3D though. Tito Paul ended up having dinner their too, with his brother and wife. We were all just talking, and looking through Ryan's yearbook. He's graduating high school this wednesday :) Congrats! How exciting. Oh, and Alex is getting promoted from 8th grade :) God, I swear I forget that this kid is only 13. She acts really mature for her age, so I forget sometimes that she's 13, cos she acts like shes 17! Tito Paul left a little early, and headed home.

Then, it was on! Girl time. We talked about life, school, family, love life, childhood memories and our current mood. Their was a lot I wanted to tell Jellybean, but their were so many things to cover. Over all, it was a good conversation. It's so crazy, because I remember having a similar conversation with her, but BEFORE she was going to high school, and now, she's going to graduate next year in high school! OH LORDIE! How time passes by so quick. Babe and Ryan were too busy enjoying gears of war 2. It made me sad yesterday though, to know how much pain and stress she is going through. What makes it more sad is I can't do anything about what's bothering BOTH her && her brother. Its kind of like when you love someone so much, you want to protect them from all the possible harm that can attack them..but when you try so hard to figure out a conclusion to the problem, and nothing seems to be helping, so you start to feel helpless yourself? Did I make any sense? All I can do is be there for the both of them as much as I can and be strong for them. Their family to me, and they mean a lot to me.

Overall, I had a really good time. I looked at Adrian, and his smile warmed my heart. I love him more than life itself.


- I opened the store today. So many cute little things Sindy got! It was ok, buisness went well. I like it when we make our goal or pass our goal, because it makes Sindy happy. You have no Idea how nice she is! I probably will never EVER come across the worlds most nicest boss ever again. Me and Clara were talking about how our sanrio anniversary was coming up, and how long we've been there. LOL! What can we say??? Time fly's by so fast, when your having so much fun!
I got off at 3, and I did what I planned on doing:

1. I got gas. =(
2. Downgraded my cellphone plan :)
3. Watched a marathon of the filipino soaps I watch with my momma and lola.
4. Napped for 2hours :)
5. Cleaned the house
6. Played Animal Crossing Country Folk with my mom and brother.

I FiNALLY GET MY FiRST SUNDAY OFF! W/out requesting it :) I'm going to:
1. Do the laundry
2. Clean my room
3. Finish cleaning the bathroom
4. Wash my bedsheets
--- and I don't know what else...


Your last boyfriend calls you to hang out what do you say?
- He wouldn't even have my # because its new and we don't talk?

Anything you have to say to the first girl on your top?
- I MISS YOU JUDEE!!! Big sis.

When's the last time you talked to your sister?
- Ughh couple day's ago on her multiply account.

Where is your dad?
- Either the Philippines or Palau.

How are you feeling?

Have you ever regretted letting someone go?
- No.

Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?
- BOTH :)

Do you still talk to any of your exes?
- No.

To whom did you last give the finger to?
- I don't remember. I don't give the finger, unless your a dirty old nasty perverted mexican man in a tin truck trying to holla. (SO NOT RACIST)

Is there a meaning behind your profile song?
- No, I just like the song.

If you could seek revenge on someone would you?

If you were pregnant, how would you tell your father?
- Just tell him.

What was the last mistake you made?
- Say something mean that I didn't mean.

Are you one of those people who hate crying in front of others?
- No..well it depends. I cried in front of my whole child development class @ mt.sac when I told them about Angelo. We were on the topic of death =( the next day I felt mortified.

Have you ever spilled bong water on your bed?
- BONG! lol sorry, this has nothing to do with this topic but it just reminded me of tito bong. what the fuck is bong water? ohh LOL, no I don't do that.

What does your wallet look like?
- Kawawa lol

What food would you love to have this second?
- Nothing comes to mind.

Who would you be shocked to see call you?
- My dad.

Your boyfriend calls you at 2 in the morning crying?
- I would be worried and drive to his house to comfort him.

Have you ever done anything illegal?
- No.

Think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
- YES, It would be 6 years and 1 month three months from now.

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