Thursday, June 4, 2009


I want to finish school already!!!

-- Today was slow, but good. I had a good conversation with my lola. I like her stories, especially about our family history.


I washed my car because the dirt was bothering me. Since it did rain the other night and day, my car was already a bit dirty and the rain made it worse. So, I washed it today. I know that it might rain this weekend, so says the news, but if it does rain, I wouldn't really feel bad about washing my car because it wont be as nasty. I gave kozik a bath today, because shes been itching. After her warm bath, she went straight to the hamper and try's to dry herself from the clothes in the hamper. Weird, but funny. She then went straight to my mom's room and played with Justin, which lead to a bad accident. Playing around roughly I might add, Kozik accidently scratched Justin in the face near his eye! I didn't know until Justin approached me and asked if his face was bleeding. I got very upset! I cleaned his face dripping with blood, while I gave him a lecture about what happens when he doesn't listen! It's pretty bad. I have to clean it and put gauze on his eye tomorrow morning before he goes to school,so dirt wont invade his cut and to prevent it from getting infected. Thank GOD it wasn't his eye! SO VERY CLOSE!

I really need to save money. I have to save up for Blizzcon. I also have to save up for babe's present. It is going to take a lot of time to put that thing together. I just hope it comes out like what I have imagined in my mind right now.

I have to also fix my cellphone bill. I am paying way too much than I can afford. So, I plan to downgrade. I hardly use it anyways.

Me and babe are going to watch The Hangover tomorrow. I sort of want pizza too, but we'll see what we'll have for dinner tomorrow.

I aslo have to put gas in my car, and I HATE GAS PRICES right now. I missed the days when it was only $2 or $1.75. Egh the elections dunzo, so boo. I'm happy that I'm getting paid next thrusday though. If plans do go through, and the weather is back on track, adrian is taking me to huntington beach next sat. I told him if we go, we'll go have seafood, my treat :)

I've been wanting to go shopping latey, but I've been telling myself "ONLY BUY THINGS YOU NEED!" It's so hard, but I didn't buy any clothes with my last paycheck. Only food, which is a daily essential that a human needs in order to function properly.

--- NEW GHOST ADVENTURES TOMORROW!!! =) YAY! I thought they would never come back!!!

Only a little over 2 more months till my 6 year anniversary with Adrian :)

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